Alfvén 2004 Workshop on Space Environment Turbulence
Beaulieu, France, 19-23 April 2004
The ALFVEN 2004 Workshop on Space Environment Turbulence, organized in the framework of the activities of WISER, the World Institute for Space Environment Research, will be held in Beaulieu, (in the French Riviera near Nice),April 19-23 2004, just before the annual EGS meeting (April, 26-30 2004). This meeting, which will bring together about 40 participants, is planned to be informal and to leave ample time for discussions. It will focus on waves, instabilities and turbulence in space plasmas, with emphasis on theory and modeling of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling, in light of recent space observations.
Scientific organizing committee :
A. Chian (INPE, Sao José dos Campos-SP, Brazil)
T. Passot (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France)
P.L. Sulem (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France)
Main topics to be covered:
Coherent structures, both at large and small scales.
Wave turbulence.
Particle acceleration.
Collisionless reconnection.
Macroscopic signature of kinetic effects.
Substorm physics.
List of confirmed review talks (50' +10' for questions) :
J. Buechner | Theory and simulation of current sheet instabilities |
A. Bhattacharjee | Roles of collisionless reconnection and ballooning instabilities at substorm onset: theory, simulations and observations. |
S.C. Chapman | Scaling and statistical intermittency- the Fokker Planck approach to solar wind turbulence. |
M. Goldstein | Simulating solar wind turbulence |
T. Hada | Nonlinear Alfvén waves in the Earth's foreshock: theory, observation, and numerical simulations |
V. Krishan | Hall-MHD turbulence in solar atmosphere |
A. Mangeney | "Landau-fluid" closures for low frequency waves: a numerical study using Vlasov simulations |
J. Pickett | Cluster observations of coherent electric field structures |
R. Pottelette | Small scale particle acceleration processes in the auroral upward current region: remote sensing and in situ measurements. |
A. Roux | Stability of the geomagnetic tail; Cluster observations |
B. Tsurutani | Phase-Steepened Alfvén Waves, Particle Perpendicular Energization and the Creation of Magnetic Holes in Interplanetary Space: Ulysses and Cluster |
List of confirmed communications ( 25'+ 5' for questions) :
J. Araneda | Constraints on the ion-beam magnetosonic instability in the fast solar wind. |
G. Belmont | Weak turbulence in Hall-MHD: toward a theory |
F. Califano | Generation of electron suprathermal tails in the solar wind |
A. Chian | Intermittent chaos driven by nonlinear Alfvén waves |
K. Ferriere | A mixed MHD-kinetic theory of low-frequency waves and instabilities in gyrotropic plasmas |
S. Galtier | Whistler wave turbulence in electron MHD |
D. Gomez | Numerical simulations of turbulent astrophysical dynamos |
Y. Kuramitsu | Particle acceleration by elliptically and linearly polarized waves in the vicinity of the quasi-parallel shock |
O. Le Contel | Kinetic description of low-frequency and quasi-static electromagnetic perturbations in magnetic-mirror confined plasmas. |
B. Lembege | Small and large scale nonstationarity of collisionless shock front: recent results |
M.P. Leubner | A non-extensive entropy path to interplanetary core-halo velocity space characteristics and scale dependent probability distributions |
M. Maksimovic | Non-thermal velocity distribution functions in the interplanetary medium : on their origin and consequences for the Solar Wind acceleration |
F. Malara | Dissipation of Alfvén waves in complex coronal magnetic fields |
G. Marklund | Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Acceleration Structures in the Auroral Return Current Region |
S. Markovskii | Ion heating by heat flux generated ion cyclotron waves in solar coronal holes |
E. Marsch | Waves and turbulence in the solar corona |
C. Mazelle | Coherent low frequency waves and gyrating ions upstream from the terrestrial and Martian bow shocks: observations and theory |
L. Nocera | Organization in integrable and non-integrable Taylor constrained turbulence |
F. Pegoraro | Developments in the theory of collisionless reconnection in magnetic configurations with a strong guide field |
L. Rezeau | Analysis of the magnetosheath turbulence by CLUSTER II measurements. |
K. Sauer | Solitons and oscillitons in multi-ion plasmas - origin of large-amplitude coherent waves |
P.K. Shukla | Nonlinear phenomena caused by shear Alfvén waves in space and laboratory plasmas. |
K. Stasiewicz | Magnetosonic solitons and shocklets at magnetospheric boundaries and the bow shock |
J.P. St-Maurice | Nonlinear theories of small scale ionospheric irregularities |
P.L. Sulem | A Landau fluid model for dispersive MHD waves in collisionless plasmas |
V.T. Tikhonchuk | Trapped Alfvén waves and localized density structures in field line resonances |
P.L. Veltri | Intermittency in MHD Turbulence and Coronal Nanoflares Modelling |
F. Verheest | Large amplitude parallel electromagnetic modes in multispecies plasmas. |
Y. Voitenko | Excitation of kinetic Alfvén turbulence by MHD wavesand energization of space plasmas |
M. Volwerk | Fast flows in the current sheet: wave activity and turbulence |
N. Watkins | Fluctuations in Total Quantities as a Probe of Complex Behaviour |
G. Zank | Spectral Properties, Coherent Structures and Correlations in Nearly Incompressible Hydrodynamics |
The proceedings will be published as a special issue of Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
Conference location and lodging information :
This meeting (both the workshop and lodging) will take place in a nice and quiet house surrounded by a 7000 m^2 park,
located near the marina:
"La Berlugane"
14, Bd. du Marechal Leclerc
06310 Beaulieu sur Mer
Tel: +33 4 93 01 04 42
Fax: +33 4 93 01 03 01
Lodging at La Berlugane:
The price of a room including breakfeast and lunch is about 55 Euros.
Each participant will have to make his/her own reservation by contacting
directly "La Berlugane", preferably by email, after February 9th, indicating
date and time of arrival and departure. Please send a copy to
More information will be provided later.
Lodging in a hotel:
If you prefer to make a reservation in a hotel in Beaulieu, which
might be a better deal in the case you come accompanied,
you can click here to consult a list of hotels.
Information on Beaulieu and its surrounding.
Scientific Program (updated 16 April 2004)
Transportation to Beaulieu
From Nice airport you can reach by bus either the train station (Nice Ville)
or the central bus station (Gare routiere).
Schedules are available at
See buses #99 (every 30 mn to the train station ) or #98 (every 20 mn to the central bus station).
- From Nice train station, there are trains to Beaulieu, usually every 30 mn.
You can consult the web page
- From Nice bus station there are departures to Beaulieu roughly every 15 mn.
You can consult the web page:
If you wish to take a Taxi it will cost you approximatively 45 to 50 euros.
Beaulieu is a fairly small town. The Berlugane is at walking distance from the harbor.
Map of Beaulieu with the location of La Berlugane (15) and the train station (D)
On this map is also mentioned the location of the internet cafe "La Papet"