ACL : Articles répertoriés dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture
SPIE : Proceedings SPIE 1er auteur dans Lagrange
ACTI : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international
ACLN : Articles non répertoriés dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture
ASCL : Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture
INV : Conférences données à l'invitation du Comité d'organisation dans un congrès national ou international
ACTN : Communications avec actes dans un congrès national
COM : Communications orales sans actes dans un congrès
AFF : Communications par affiche dans un congrès
OS : Ouvrages scientifiques (ou chapitres de ces ouvrages)
OV : Ouvrages de vulgarisation (ou chapitres de ces ouvrages)
DO : Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues
AP : Autres productions (notes techniques, bases de données, logiciels,...)
Articles répertoriés dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture
- Buldgen, G., Pain, JC., Cossé, P. , Blancard, C., Gilleron, F., Pradhan, A. K., Fontes, C. J., Colgan, J., Noels, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Deal, M., Ayukov, S. V., Baturin, V. A., Oreshina, A. V., Scuflaire, R., Pinçon, C., Lebreton, Y., Corbard, T., Eggenberger, P., Hakel, P. & Kilcrease, D. P., Helioseismic inference of the solar radiative opacity. Nat Commun 16, 693 (2025).
- Faurobert, M., Corbard, T., Gelly, B., Douet, R., and Laforgue, D., Rotational radial shear in the low solar photosphere, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 676, 2023, pp.L4. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346610.⟨hal-04208914⟩
- Malherbe, J-M., Bualé, I., Crussaire, D., Cornu, F., Corbard, T., The potential of Meudon spectroheliograph for investigating long term solar activity and variability, Advances In Space Research, vol 71, Issue 4, p. 1922-1938 (2023) (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.07.058) ⟨hal-03798643⟩
- Malherbe, J.-M., Corbard, T., Barbary, G., Morand, F., Collin, C.,Crussaire, D., Guitton, F., Monitoring fast solar chromospheric activity: the MeteoSpace project, Experimental Astronomy (2022) (doi:10.1007/s10686-022-09848-7) <hal-03868980> (free view)
- Harra, L., Andretta, V., Appourchaux, T., Baudin, F., Bellot-Rubio, L., Birch, A. C., Boumier, P., Cameron, R., Carlsson, M., Corbard, T., Davies, J., Fazakerley, A., Fineschi, S., Finsterle, W., Gizon, L., Harrison, R., Hassler, D. M., Leibacher, J., Liewer, P., Macdonald, M., Maksimovic, M., Murphy, N., Naletto, G., Nigro, G., Owen, C., Martinez-Pillet, V., Rochus, P., Romoli, M., Sekii, T., Spadaro, D., Veronig, A., Schmutz, W., "A journey of exploration to the polar regions of a star: probing the solar poles and the heliosphere from high helio-latitude." Exp Astron (2021). (doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09769-x) ⟨hal-03311549⟩
- Buldgen, G., Eggenberger, P., Baturin, V.A., Corbard, T, Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Salmon, S. J. A. J., Noels, A., Oreshina, A.V., and Scuflaire, R. "Seismic solar models from Ledoux discriminant inversions", A&A (2020) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202037980) ⟨hal-02927357⟩
- Malherbe, J.-M., Corbard, T., Dalmasse. K., "Optical instrumentation for chromospheric monitoring during solar cycle 25 at Paris and Côte d'Azur observatories." Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10 (2020) 31, EDP sciences, Topical Issue - Space Weather Instrumentation, (2020) ⟨doi:10.1051/swsc/2020032⟩ ⟨hal-02894803⟩
- Malherbe, J.-M., Corbard, T., Dalmasse, K. and MeteoSpace Team "Meteospace, a New Instrument for Solar Survey at the Calern Observatory", Solar Physics, vol. 294, p. 177 (2019) (doi:10.1007/s11207-019-1569-5) ⟨hal-02462553⟩
- Appourchaux, T. and Corbard, T. "Searching for g modes. II. Unconfirmed g-mode detection in the power spectrum of the time series of round-trip travel time", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 624, A106 (2019) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935196) ⟨hal-02105118⟩
- Corbard, T., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Meftah, M. and Renaud, C. "On the importance of astronomical refraction for modern solar astrometric measurements ", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 483, Issue 3, pp. 3865-3877 (2019) (doi:10.1093/mnras/sty3391) (insu-02092085)
- Appourchaux, T., Boumier, P., Leibacher, J. W. and Corbard, T. "Searching for g modes: Part I. A new calibration of the GOLF instrument", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 617, id.A108 (2018) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833535) ⟨hal-02105123⟩
- Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Hauchecorne, A., Morand, F., Ikhlef, R., Chauvineau, B., Renaud, C., Sarkissian, A. and Damé, L. "Solar radius determined from PICARD/SODISM observations and extremely weak wavelength dependence in the visible and the near-infrared", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 616, A64 (2018) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201732159) (insu-01799033)
- Fossat, E., Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Provost, J., Salabert, D., Schmider, F. X., Gabriel, A. H., Grec, G., Renaud, C., Robillot, J. M., Roca-Cortés, T., Turck-Chièze, S., Ulrich, R. K. and Lazrek, M. "Asymptotic g modes: Evidence for a rapid rotation of the solar core", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 604, A40 (ads) (2017) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201730460) ⟨hal-02301228⟩
- Ikhlef, R., Corbard, T., Morand, F., Renaud, C., Fodil, M., Ziad, A., Borgnino, J., Meftah, M., Assus, P., Chauvineau, B., Hauchecorne, A., Lesueur, P., Poiet, G., Ubaldi, F., Hamadouche, M. and Abdelatif, T. "MISOLFA: A generalized monitor for daytime spatio-temporal turbulence characterization", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 458, pp. 517-530 (2016) (doi:10.1093/mnras/stw242) (insu-01275104)
- Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Corbard, T., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Renaud, C., Riguet, F. and Pradal, F. "On the Constancy of the Diameter of the Sun during the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24 ", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 808, Issue 1 (2015) (doi:10.1088/0004-637X/808/1/4) (insu-01176338)
- Meftah, M., Irbah, A., Hauchecorne, A., Corbard, T., Turck-Chieze, S., Hochedez, J. F., Boumier, P., Chevalier, A., Dewitte, S., Mekaoui, S. and Salabert, D. "On the Determination and Constancy of the Solar Oblateness", Solar Physics, vol. 290, Issue 3, pp. 673-687 (url) (2015) (doi:10.1007/s11207-015-0655-6) (hal-01110569)
- Irbah, A., Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Djafer, D., Corbard, T., Bocquier, M. and Cisse, E. M. "New Space Value of the Solar Oblateness Obtained with PICARD", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 785, p. 89 (url) (2014) (doi:10.1088/0004-637X/785/2/89) ⟨hal-00952233⟩
- Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Renaud, C., Hauchecorne, A., Assus, P., Borgnino, J., Chauvineau, B., Crepel, M., Dalaudier, F., Damé, L., Djafer, D., Fodil, M., Lesueur, P., Poiet, G., Rouzé, M., Sarkissian, A., Ziad, A. and Laclare, F. "Ground-based measurements of the solar diameter during the rising phase of solar cycle 24", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 569, p. 60 (2014) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201423598) (hal-01068755)
- Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Crepel, M., Irbah, A., Corbard, T., Djafer, D. and Hochedez, J. F. "The Plate Scale of the SODISM Instrument and the Determination of the Solar Radius at 607.1 nm", Solar Physics, vol. 289, Issue 1, pp. 1-10 (2014) (doi:10.1007/s11207-013-0347-z) ⟨hal-00846722⟩
- Meftah, M., Hochedez, J. F., Irbah, A., Hauchecorne, A., Boumier, P., Corbard, T.,..., Morand, F.,..., Renaud, C.,..., Salabert, D. and Vieau, A. J. (29 auteurs) "Picard SODISM, a Space Telescope to Study the Sun from the Middle Ultraviolet to the Near Infrared", Solar Physics, vol. 289, pp. 1043-1976 (2014) (doi:10.1007/s11207-013-0373-x) (hal-00861571)
- Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Assus, P., Dufour, C., Fodil, M., Morand, F., Renaud, C. and Simon, E. "MISOLFA solar monitor for the ground PICARD program", Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 331,09-10, p. 58 (url) (2010) (hal-00565371)
- Irbah, A., Dufour, C., Meftah, M., Meissonnier, M., Thuillier, G., Assus, P., Corbard, T. and Pradels, G. "Solar radius measurements with the SODISM instrument: methods and algorithm developments for the PICARD Payload Data Center", Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 331,9-10, p. 59 (url) (2010) (hal-00565373)
- Morand, F., Delmas, C., Corbard, T., Chauvineau, B., Irbah, A., Fodil, M. and Laclare, F. "Solar radius measurements with the DORAYSOL instrument (1999-2006) at the Calern site of the observatoire de la Côte d'Azur", Comptes Rendus Physique, vol. 11, pp. 660-673 (2010) (doi:10.1016/j.crhy.2010.10.003) (hal-00540499)
- Roth, M., Luhe, O. v d, Aerts, C., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Di Mauro, M. P., Gizon, L., Jiménez-Reyes, S., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Pallé, P. L. and Thompson, M. J. "Four years of HELAS", Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 331, p. 1084 (url) (2010) (doi:10.1002/asna.201011463) (hal-00630868)
- Zaatri, A., Provost, J., Corbard, T. and Roth, M. "Sensitivity of the sub-photospheric flow fields inferred from ring-diagram analysis to the change on the solar model", Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 328, pp. 135-138 (2010) (doi:10.1007/s10509-009-0191-7) (hal-00457440)
- Appourchaux, T., Liewer, P., Watt, M., Alexander, D., Andretta, V., Auchère, F., d'Arrigo, P., Ayon, J., Corbard, T. and al. (37 auteurs) "POLAR investigation of the Sun'-POLARIS", Experimental Astronomy, vol. 23, pp. 1079-1117 (url) (2009) (doi:10.1007/s10686-008-9107-8) (hal-00382449)
- Zaatri, A., Wohl, H., Roth, M., Corbard, T. and Brajsa, R. "Comparison of the sidereal angular velocity of subphotospheric layers and small bright coronal structures during the declining phase of solar cycle 23", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 504, pp. 589-594 (url) (2009) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912130) (hal-00457441)
- Assus, P., Irbah, A., Bourget, P., Corbard, T. and the PICARD team "Monitoring the scale factor of the PICARD SODISM instrument", Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 329, p. 517 (url) (2008) (doi:10.1002/asna.200710987) (hal-00307143)
- Corbard, T., Boumier, P., Appourchaux, T., Jiménez-Reyes, S. J., Gelly, B. and the PICARD team "Helioseismology program for the PICARD satellite", Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 329, pp. 508-516 (url) (2008) (doi:10.1002/asna.200710986) (hal-00387951)
- Zaatri, A., Provost, J., Berthomieu, G., Morel, P. and Corbard, T. "Sensitivity of low degree oscillations to the change in solar abundances", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 469, pp. 1145-1149 (url) (2007) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077212) (hal-00388167)
- González-Hernández, I., Komm, R., Hill, F., Howe, R., Corbard, T. and Haber, D. A. "Meridional Circulation Variability from Large-Aperture Ring-Diagram Analysis of Global Oscillation Network Group and Michelson Doppler Imager Data", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 638, pp. 576-583 (url) (2006) (doi:10.1086/498642) (hal-00388612)
- Zaatri, A., Komm, R., González-Hernández, I., Howe, R. and Corbard, T. "North South Asymmetry of Zonal and Meridional Flows Determined From Ring Diagram Analysis of Gong ++ Data", Solar Physics, vol. 236, pp. 227-244 (url) (2006) (doi:10.1007/s11207-006-0106-5) (hal-00388652)
- Komm, R., Howe, R., Hill, F., González-Hernández, I., Toner, C. and Corbard, T. "Ring Analysis of Solar Subsurface Flows and Their Relation to Surface Magnetic Activity", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 631, pp. 636-646 (url) (2005) (doi:10.1086/432413) ⟨hal-00388284⟩
- Garcia, R. A., Corbard, T., Chaplin, W., Couvidat, S., Eff-Darwich, A., Jimenez-Reyes, S. J., Korzennik, S. G., Ballot, J., Boumier, P., Fossat, E., Henney, C. J., Howe, R., Lazrek, M., Lochard, J., Palle, P. and Turck-Chièze, S. "About the solar radiative rotation", Solar Physics, vol. 220, p. 269 (2004) (doi:10.1023/B:SOLA.0000031395.90891.ce) ⟨hal-00416868⟩
- Komm, R., Corbard, T., Durney, B. R., Gonzáles-Hernández, I., Hill, F., Howe, R. and Toner, C. "Solar sub-surface fluid dynamics descriptors derived from Global Oscillation Network Group and Michelson Doppler Imager data", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 605, p. 554 (2004) (doi:10.1086/382187) ⟨hal-02896109⟩
- Couvidat, S., Garcia, R. A., Turck-Chièze, S., Corbard, T., Henney, C. J. and Jiménez-Reyes, S. J. "The rotation of the deep solar layers", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 597, id. L77 (url) (2003) (doi:10.1086/379698) ⟨hal-02896104⟩
- Corbard, T. and Thompson, M. J. "The subsurface radial gradient of solar angular velocity from MDI f-mode observations", Solar Physics, vol. 205, p. 211 (url) (2002) (doi:10.1023/A:1014224523374) ⟨hal-02896090⟩
- Dikpati, M., Corbard, T., Thompson, M. J. and Gilman, P. A. "Flux Transport Solar Dynamos with Near-Surface Radial Shear", The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 575, L41-L45 (url) (2002) (doi:10.1086/342555) ⟨hal-02896080⟩
- Salabert, D., Fossat, E., Gelly, B., Tomczyk, S., Pallé, P., Jiménez-Reyes, S. J., Cacciani, A., Corbard, T., Ehgamberdiev, S., Grec, G., Hoeksema, J. T., Kholikov, S., Lazrek, M. and Schmider, F. X. "IRIS++ database: Merging of IRIS + Mark-1 + LOWL", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 390, pp. 717-723 (2002) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20020751) ⟨hal-02896069⟩
- Schou, J., Howe, R., Basu, S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., Hill, F., Komm, R., Larsen, R. M., Rabello-Soares, M. C. and Thompson, M. J. "A Comparison of Solar p-Mode Parameters from the Michelson Doppler Imager and the Global Oscillation Network Group: Splitting Coefficients and Rotation Inversions", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 567, p. 1234 (url) (2002) (doi:10.1086/338665) ⟨hal-02896051⟩
- Jimenez-Reyes, S. J., Corbard, T., Pallé, P. L., Roca Cortés, T. and Tomczyk, S. "Analysis of the solar cycle and core rotation using 15 years of Mark-I observations: 1984-1999. I. The solar cycle", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 379, pp. 622-633 (url) (2001) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20011374) ⟨hal-02896033⟩
- Basu, S., Turck-Chièze, S., Berthomieu, G., Brun, A. S., Corbard, T., Gonczi, G., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Provost, J., Thiery, S., Gabriel, A. H. and Boumier, P. "Structure of the solar core: Effect of asymmetry of peak profiles", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 535, pp. 1078-1084 (2000) (doi:10.1086/308875) ⟨hal-02896026⟩
- Corbard, T., Blanc-Féraud, L., Berthomieu, G. and Provost, J. "Non linear regularization for helioseismic inversions: Application for the study of the solar tachocline", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 344, pp. 696-708 (url) (1999) ⟨hal-02896131⟩
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Provost, J. and Morel, P. "Inferring the equatorial solar tachocline from frequency splittings", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 330, pp. 1149-1159 (url) (1998) ⟨hal-02896124⟩
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Morel, P., Provost, J., Schou, J. and Tomczyk, S. "Solar internal rotation from LOWL data. A 2D regularized least-squares inversion using B-splines", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 324, pp. 298-310 (ads) (1997) ⟨hal-02896119⟩
- Thompson, M. J., Toomre, J., Anderson, E. R., Antia, H. M., Berthomieu, G., Burtonclay, D., Chitre, S. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., De Rosa, M., Genovese, C. R., Gough, D. O., Haber, D. A., Harvey, J. W., Hill, F., Howe, R., Korzennik, S. G., Kosovichev, A. G., Leibacher, J. W., Pijpers, F. P., Provost, J., Rhodes, E. J., Schou, J., Sekii, T., Stark, P. B. and Wilson, P. R. "Differential Rotation and Dynamics of the Solar Interior", Science, vol. 272, pp. 1300-1305 (ads) (1996) (doi:10.1126/science.272.5266.1300)(pdf)
Communications avec actes dans un congrès international
- Corbard T, Faurobert M, Gelly B, Douet R, Laforgue D. Rotational shear in the low photosphere of the Sun. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2023;19(S365):48-53. doi:10.1017/S174392132300546X
- Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Morand, F., Renaud, C., Ikhlef, R., Fodil, M., Damé, L. and Vieau, A. J. "Eight years of solar observations with PICARD", SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2018 - Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems VII, Austin, United States, vol. 10704 (2018) (doi:10.1117/12.2311716) (insu-01841599)
- Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Boumier, P., Chevalier, A., Schmutz, W., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Renaud, C., Hochedez, J. F., Cessateur, G., Turck-Chieze, S., Salabert, D., Rouzé, M., Van Ruymbeke, M., Zhu, P., Kholikov, S., Koller, S., Conscience, C., Dewitte, S., Damé, L. and Djafer, D. "Main results of the PICARD mission", Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (SPIE), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, vol. 9904, id. 99040Z (url) (2016) (doi:10.1117/12.2232027) (insu-01345798)
- Rouzé, M., Hauchecorne, A., Hochedez, J. F., Irbah, A., Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Turck-Chièze, S., Boumier, P., Dewitte, S. and Schmutz, W. "The PICARD Scientific Mission: status of the program", 13th International Conference on Space Operations 2014, Pasadena, CA, 5-9 May 2014, p. 1705 (2014) (doi:10.2514/6.2014-1705)
- Corbard, T., Salabert, D., Boumier, P., Appourchaux, T., Hauchecorne, A., Journoud, P., Nunge, A., Gelly, B., Hochedez, J. F., Irbah, A., Meftah, M., Renaud, C. and Turck-Chièze, S. "Helioseismology with PICARD", meeting "Eclipse on the Coral Sea: Cycle 24 Ascending (GONG 2012, LWS/SDO-5, and SOHO 27)", Journal of Physics Conference Series, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 12-16 November 2012, vol. 440, Issue 1, id. 012025 (url) (2013) (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/440/1/012025) (hal-00796969)
- Corbard, T., Salabert, D., Boumier, P. and the PICARD team "Helioseismology from SODISM and HMI Intensity Images", National Solar Observatory Workshop #27 -Fifty Years of Seismology of the Sun and Stars, eds. Jain, K., Tripathy, S.C., Hill, F., Leibacher, J. W. and Pevtsov, A. A., Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-10 May 2013, vol. 478, p. 151 (url) (2013)
- Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Morand, F., Ikhlef, R., Renaud, C., Hauchecorne, A., Assus, P., Chauvineau, B., Crepel, M., Dalaudier, F., Djafer, D., Fodil, M., Laclare, F., Lesueur, P., Lin, M. and Poiet, G. "PICARD SOL, a new ground-based facility for long-term solar radius measurements: first results", meeting "Eclipse on the Coral Sea: Cycle 24 Ascending (GONG 2012, LWS/SDO-5, and SOHO 27)", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 12-16 November 2012, vol. 440, p. 012003 (url) (2013) (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/440/1/012003) (hal-00835418) (section:n/)
- Ikhlef, R., Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Meftah, M., Morand, F., Fodil, M., Assus, P., Renaud, C., Chauvineau, B. and the Picard-Sol Team "MISOLFA: a seeing monitor for daytime turbulence parameters measurement", Understanding Solar Activity: Advances and Challenges, European Astronomical Society Publications Series, vol. 55, pp. 369-373 (url) (2012) (doi:10.1051/eas/1255052)
- Ikhlef, R., Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Morand, F., Fodil, M., Chauvineau, B., Assus, P., Renaud, C., Meftah, M., Abbaki, S., Borgnino, J., Cissé, E. M., D'Almeida, E., Hauchecorne, A., Laclare, F., Lesueur, P., Lin, M., Martin, F., Poiet, G., Rouzé, M., Thuillier, G. and Ziad, A. "Atmospheric seeing measurements obtained with MISOLFA in the framework of the PICARD Mission", SPIE: Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV, vol. 8444 (url) (2012) (doi:10.1117/12.926300)
- Meftah, M., Irbah, A., Corbard, T., Morand, F., Thuillier, G., Hauchecorne, A., Ikhlef, R., Rouze, M., Renaud, C., Djafer, D., Abbaki, S., Assus, P., Chauvineau, B., Cissé, E. M., Dalaudier, F., D'Almeida, E., Fodil, M., Laclare, F., Lesueur, P., Lin, M., Marcovici, J. P. and Poiet, G. "PICARD SOL mission, a ground-based facility for long-term solar radius measurement", SPIE: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, vol. 8446, p. 76 (url) (2012) (doi:10.1117/12.925712)
- Irbah, A., Meftah, M., Corbard, T., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Assus, P., Fodil, M., Lin, M., Ducourt, E., Lesueur, P., Poiet, G., Renaud, C. and Rouze, M. "Ground-based solar astrometric measurements during the PICARD mission", SPIE - Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XIV, eds. Stein, K. and Gonglewski, J.D., Prague, 09/2011, vol. 8178, pp. 81780A-81780A-12 (url) (2011) (doi:10.1117/12.898301)
- Irbah, A., Corbard, T., Assus, P., Borgnino, J., Dufour, C., Ikhlef, R., Martin, F., Meftah, M., Morand, F., Renaud, C. and Simon, E. "The solar seeing monitor MISOLFA: presentation and first results", SPIE - Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Conference Series, July 1, 2010, vol. 7735, p. 211 (url) (2010) (doi:10.1117/12.856264) (hal-00522900)
- Corbard, T. "Sensitivity of ring analysis to near-surface magnetism", HELAS Workshop NA3-4 The Acoustic Solar Cycle, eds. Elsworth, Y.P. and Thompson, M.J., University of Birmingham, 6-8 January 2009 (url) (2009)
- Gondoin, P., Fridlund, M., Goupil, M. J., Baudin, F., Samadi, R., Barban, C., Belkacem, K., Corbard, T., Dupret, M. A., Foing, B., den Hartog, R., Lebreton, Y., Lochard, J., Mathias, P., Michel, E., Morel, P., Moya, A., Palacios, A. and Zahn, J. P. "CoRot observations of active giants: preliminary results", American Institute of Physics Conference Series, vol. 1094, pp. 864-867 (url) (2009) (doi:10.1063/1.3099253)
- Zaatri, A. and Corbard, T. "The Solar Subsurface Radial Gradient of Angular Velocity as Revealed by Ring Diagram Analysis", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 416, p. 99 (url) (2009)
- Pradels, G., Guinle, T., Thuillier, G., Irbah, A., Marcovici, J. P., Dufour, C., Moreau, D., Noel, C., Dominique, M., Corbard, T., Hadjara, M., Mekaoui, S. and Wehrli, C. "The PICARD Payload Data Centre", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, p. 3231 (url) (2008) (hal-00630897)
- Zaatri, A., Corbard, T., Roth, M., Gonzalez-Hernandez, I. and von der Luhe, O. "Comparison of geometrical mapping for ring diagram analysis", Proceedings of the second HELAS international conference: heliosismology, asteroseismologie and MHD connections, Göttingen, Germany, 20–24 August 2007, vol. 118, p. 2090 (url) (2008) (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012090) (hal-00383016)
- Appourchaux, T., Andersen, B., Barlow, A. M., Baudin, F., Boumier, P., Chaplin, W., Corbard, T., Elsworth, Y., Finsterle, W., Frohlich, C., Gabriel, A., Gough, D. O., Garcia, R. A., Grec, G., Kosovichev, A., Jimenez, A., Provost, J., Toutain, T., Turck-Chièze, S. and Sekii, T. "Recent progress on G-mode search", SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, ESA Special Publication, Giardini Naxos (Italie), 7-12 mai 2006, vol. 617, p. 2 (url) (2006)
- Chaplin, W., Sekii, T., Appourchaux, T., Baudin, F., Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Elsworth, Y., Fletcher, K., Garcia, R., Jimenez-Reyes, S. J., Lazrek, M., New, R., Salabert, D., Toutain, T. and Wachter, R. "Rotation inversions of artificial solarflag SUN-AS-A-STAR data", SOHO 18 / GONG 2006/ HelAs I: 'Byond the spherical Sun, A new era of Helio and Asteroseismology', eds. Fletcher, K. and Thompson, M., ESA, Sheffield (Grande-Bretagne), 7-11 August 2006, vol. SP-624, p. 82 (url) (2006)
- Elsworth, Y., Baudin, F., Chaplin, W., Andersen, B., Appourchaux, T., Boumier, P., Broomhall, A. M., Corbard, T., Finsterle, W., Frohlich, C., Gabriel, A., Garcia, R. A., Gough, D. O., Grec, G., Jimenez, A., Kosovichev, A., Provost, J., Sekii, T., Toutain, T. and Turck-Chièze, S. "The internal structure of the Sun inferred from g modes and low frequency p modes", SOHO 18/Gong 2006/HELAS I: Beyond the spherical Sun, eds. Fletcher, K. and Thompson, M., ESA Special Publication, Sheffield (U.K.), 7-11 août 2006, vol. 624, p. 22.1 (url) (2006)
- Roth, M., Luhe, O. V. D., Palle, P., Thompson, M. J., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Monteiro, M. J. P. F.G., Gizon, L., Di Mauro, M. P., Aerts, C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J. and Corbard, T. "European helio- and asteroseismology network HELAS", SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun, ESA Special Publication, vol. 624, p. 157 (url) (2006)
- Roth, M., von der Luhe, O., Pallé, P., Thompson, M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Monteiro, M., Gizon, L., Di Mauro, M. P., Aerts, C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J. and Corbard, T. "HELAS - European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network", SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, ed. Lacoste, H., ESA, Giardini Naxos (Italy), 7-11 août 2006, vol. SP-617 (url) (2006)
- Turck-Chièze, S., Schmutz, W., Thuillier, G., Jefferies, S., Pallé, P., Dewitt, S., Ballot, J., Berthomieu, G., Bonanno, A., Brun, A. S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T.,..., Fossat, E.,..., Provost, J.,..., Rozelot, J. P. and al. (46 auteurs) "The DynaMICS perspective", Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun (ESA SP-624), eds. Fletcher, K. and Thompson, M., Sheffield, UK, 7-11 August 2006, p. 24.1 (url) (2006)
- Turck-Chièze, S., Schmutz, W., Thuillier, G., Jefferies, S., Pallé, P., Dewitt, S., Ballot, J., Berthomieu, G., Bonanno, A., Brun, A. S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T.,..., Fossat, E.,..., Provost, J.,..., Rozelot, J. P. and al. (46 auteurs) "The DynaMICS project", SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Proceedings of the conference, eds. Lacoste, H. and Ouwehand, L., Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, 7-12 May, p. 162.1 (url) (2006)
- Zaatri, A., Komm, R., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Howe, R. and Corbard, T. "B0-angle effect on zonal and meridional flow determinations from 3 years ring diagram analysis of GONG++ data", Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun, Sheffield, UK., 7-11 August 2006, vol. 624, p. 55 (url) (2006)
- Zaatri, A., Provost, J., Berthomieu, G., Morel, P. and Corbard, T. "How does the change on solar abundances affect low degree modes ?", SOHO 18/Gong 2006/HELAS I: Beyond the spherical Sun, eds. Fletcher, K. and Thompson, M., ESA Special Publication, Sheffield (U.K.), 7-11 août 2006, vol. 624, p. 92.1 (url) (2006)
- Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., Dikpati, M., Gilman, P. A. and Thompson, M. J. "Jets in the Solar Tachocline as Diagnostics of Global MHD Processes", Large Scale Structures and their Role in Solar Activity, eds. Sankarasubramanian, K., Penn, M. and Pevtsov, A., Sunspot (USA), 18-22 octobre 2004, vol. 346, p. 115 (url) (2005)
- Turck-Chièze, S., Appourchaux, T., Ballot, J., Berthomieu, G., Boumier, P., Brun, A. S., Cacciani, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T.,..., Fossat, E.,..., Provost, J.,..., Rozelot, J. P. and al. (40 auteurs) "The magnetism of the solar interior for a complete MHD solar vision", Symposium ESLAB 2005: Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020, eds. Favata, F., Sanz-Forcada, I., Gimenez, A. and Bathick, B., ESA Special Publication, Nordwijk (Pays Bas), 19-21 avril 2005, vol. 588, p. 193 (url) (2005)
- Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., Dikpati, M., Gilman, P. A. and Thompson, M. J. "Detection of Jets and associated toroidal fields in the solar tachocline", Soho 14/Gong 2004, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, ed. Danesy, D., ESA BOOK, New Haven (USA), 12-16 juillet 2004, vol. SP 559, pp. 376-380 (url) (2004)
- González-Hernández, I., Komm, R., Hill, F., Howe, R. and Corbard, T. "Meridional Variability from Large-Aperture Ring Diagrams", Soho 14/Gong 2004, ed. Danesy, D., ESA BOOK, New Haven (USA), 12-16 juillet 2004, vol. SP 559, pp. 444-447 (url) (2004)
- Komm, R., Howe, R., González Hernández, I., Hill, F., Haber, D. A., Hindman, B. and Corbard, T. "Solar Subsurface Flows and Vorticity", Soho 14/Gong 2004, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, ed. Danesy, D., ESA BOOK, New Haven (USA), vol. SP 559, pp. 520-523 (url) (2004)
- Komm, R., Howe, R., González-Hernández, I., Hill, F., Haber, D., Hindman, B. and Corbard, T. "Vorticity of Solar Subsurface Flows and Torsional Oscillations", 204th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, ed. Milkey, R. W., BAAS, Denver, Colorado (USA), 30 Mai - 3 Juin 2004, vol. 36, abstract 53.08, p. 757 (url) (2004)
- Corbard, T., Toner, C., Hill, F., Haber, D. A., Bogart, R. and Hindman, B. "Ring Diagram Analysis with GONG++", SOHO 12 / GONG+ 2002, ed. Sawaya-Lacoste, H., ESA Special Publication, Big Bear (CA, USA), 27 oct -1er nov 2002, vol. 517, p. 255 (url) (2003)
- Couvidat, S., Turck-Chièze, S., Garcia, R. A. and Corbard, T. "The Search for the solar core dynamics with SOHO / GOLF", 3D Stellar Evolution, eds. Turcotte, S., Keller, S.C. and Cavallo, R.M., Livermore (CA, USA), 22-26 juillet 2002, vol. 293, p. 276 (url) (2003)
- Hill, F., Bolding, J., Toner, C., Corbard, T., Wampler, S. and Goodrich, B "The GONG++ Data Processing Pipeline", SOHO 12 / GONG+ 2002, ed. Sawaya-Lacoste, H., ESA Special Publication, Big Bear (CA, USA), 27 oct - 1er nov 2002, vol. 517, p. 295 (url) (2003)
- Toner, C., Haber, D. A., Corbard, T. and Bogart, R. "An image merge for GONG+", SOHO 12 / GONG+ 2002, ed. Sawaya-Lacoste, H., ESA Special Publication, Big Bear (CA, USA), 27 oct 27 - 1er nov 2002, vol. 517, p. 405 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T., Dikpati, M., Gilman, P. A. and Thompson, M. J. "Effect of subsurface radial differential rotation on flux-transport solar dynamo", From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, ed. Wilson, A., Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 March 2002, vol. 508, pp. 75-78 (url) (2002)
- Turck-Chièze, S., Garcia, R. A, Couvidat, S., Kosovichev, A., Bertello, L., Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Provost, J. and Eff-Darwich, A. "Global low frequency acoustic modes after half a solar cycle aboard SoHO:an improved view of the nuclear core", SOHO 11, ed. A., Wilson, ESA, Davos, 11-15 Mars 2002, vol. SP-508, pp. 593-596 (url) (2002)
- Berthomieu, G., Toutain, T., Corbard, T., Provost, J., Gonczi, G. and Morel, P. "About structure inversions of simulated COROT data for a solar-like star", SOHO 10 / GONG 2000 Workshop, ed. Wilson, A., ESA, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Espagne), 2-6 Octobre 2000, vol. SP-464, pp. 411-414 (url) (2001)
- Jimenez-Reyes, S., Corbard, T., Palle, P. and Tomczyk, S. "LOWL p-mode frequencies and their variation with solar activity", SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop: Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium, eds. Wilson, A. and Palle, P., Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 2-6 October 2000, vol. 464, pp. 107-110 (url) (2001)
- Jiménez-Reyes, S. J., Corbard, T. and Palle, P. L. "Signature of the solar cycle in the low degree p-modes using Mark-I", SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop: Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium, eds. Wilson, A. and Palle, P. L., Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 2-6 October 2000, vol. 464, pp. 103-106 (url) (2001)
- Corbard, T., Jimenez-Reyes, S. J., Tomoczyk, S., Dikpati, M. and Gilman, P. "The Solar Cycle and the Tachocline: Theories and Observations", The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Solar and Space weather, Proceedings of the 1st Solar and Space Weather Euroconference, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain., 25-29 September 2000, vol. 463, p. 21 (url) (2000)
- Jiménez-Reyes, S. J., Corbard, T., Palle, P. L. and Tomczyk, S. "p-mode Frequency Shift as Solar Activity Index", The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Solar and Space weather, Proceedings of the 1st Solar and Space Weather Euroconference, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 25-29 September 2000, vol. 463, p. 341 (url) (2000)
- Berthomieu, G., Gonczi, G., Corbard, T. and Provost, J. "Inversion of IRIS helioseismic data and the solar structure", Xth IRIS/TON Workshop, ed. Ehgamberdiev, S., Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute, Parkent (Ouzbekistan), 7-11 Septembre 1998, p. 24 (url) (1999)
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G. and Provost, J. "The solar rotation rate from inversion of the first GONG datasets", Proceedings of IAU 181 Symposium: Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors (poster volume), eds. Provost, J. and Schmider, F. X., Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur and Université de Nice, Nice, France, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1996, pp. 77-80 (url) (1998)
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Provost, J. and Blanc-Feraud, L. "On the Use of Nonlinear Regularization in Inverse Methods for the Solar Tachocline Profile Determination", Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, Massachusetts, June 1-4, 1998, vol. 418, p. 747 (url) (1998)
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Provost, J. and Fossat, E. "The solar core rotation from LOWL and IRIS or BiSON data", Sounding Solar and Stellar interior, eds. Provost, J. and Schmider, F. X., OCA&UNSA, Nice, France, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1996, p. 79 (url) (1998)
- Corbard, T., Di Mauro, M. P., Sekii, T. and Golf Team "The Solar Internal Rotation from GOLF Splittings", Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, Massachusett, June 1-4, 1998, vol. 418, p. 741 (url) (1998)
- Gonczi, G., Berthomieu, G., Corbard, T., Provost, J., Morel, P. and Golf Team "Solar Sound Speed Inferred from SOHO Helioseismic Data", Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars - SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, Massachusetts, June 1-4, 1998, vol. 418, p. 461 (url) (1998)
- Korzennik, S.G, Thompson, M.J., Toomre, J., Antia, H.M., Berthomieu, G., Burtonclay, D., Chitre, S.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., Eff-Darwich, A., Gough, D.O., Howe, R., Pijpers, F.P., Provost, J., Schou, J., Sekii, T., Thompson, M.J., Wilson, P.R. and Li, Y. "Internal Rotation and Dynamics of the Sun from GONG Data", IAU 181 Symposium: Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors, eds. Provost, J. and Schmider, F. X., Nice, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1996, p. 211 (url) (1997)
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Gonczi, G., Provost, J. and Morel, P. "Solar Rotation from 2d Inversion", 4th Soho Workshop, eds. Hoeksema, J. T., Domingo, V., Fleck, B. and Battrick, B., ESA SP 376, Pacific Grove, California, USA, 2-6 April 1995, vol. 2, p. 289 (url) (1995)
Conférences données à l'invitation du Comité d'organisation dans un congrès national ou international
- Corbard, T. "Mode Filtering", JOVIAL Kick-off Meeting, First meeting of the Jupiter oscillation network, Observatoire de Nice, Nice, France, 18-20 April 2016 (url) (2016)
- Corbard, T., Malherbe, J. M., D., Crussaire, Morand, F., Ruty, F., Biree, L., Aboudarham, J., Fuller, N., Renaud, C. and Meftah, M. "METEOSPACE, solar monitoring and space weather at Calern observatory", Journées de la SF2A 2016, eds. Cambrésy, L., Deleuil, M., Pécontal, E., Reylé, C., Richard,., L., Tresse and Vauglin, I., Lyon, France, 14-17 Juin 2016, pp. 293-296 (url) (2016) (insu-01527792)
- Corbard, T. and Morand, F. "40 ans d'Astrométrie solaire à Calern Ou « La série de Laclare »", 40 ans d'observations astronomiques et géophysiques à Calern, Calern Observatory, Caussol, France (url) (2014)
- Boumier, P. and Corbard, T. "Picard/Sismo review", EST-France 2010 Workshop, Meudon Observatory, Meudon, France, 19-21 May 2010 (2010)
- Corbard, T. "Helioseismic Determination of Subsurface Fluid Dynamics", SOHO-17: 10 years of SOHO and Beyond, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, 7-13 may 2006 (url) (2006)
- Corbard, T. "Probing the solar dynamo by observing the Sun's high-latitude field, flows and seismic waves", 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004, vol. COSPAR04-A-03671 (url) (2004)
- Corbard, T. "The Solar Tachocline", SOHO 12 / GONG+ 2002 Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and Future, Big Bear Lake, California, October 27 to November 1, 2002 (url) (2002)
- Corbard, T., Jimenez-Reyes, S. J., Tomczyk, S., Dikpati, M. and Gilman, P. A. "The solar tachocline and its variation (?)", SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop: Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium, eds. Wilson, A. and Palle, P., vol. 464, pp. 265-272 (url) (2001)
Communications avec actes dans un congrès national
- Rouillard, A. P., Pinto, R. F., Brun, A. S., Briand, C., Bourdarie, S., Dudok De Wit, T., Amari, T., Blelly, P. L., Buchlin, E., Chambodut, A., Claret, A., Corbard, T. and al. (29 auteurs) "Space-weather assets developed by the French space-physics community", Journées de la SF2A 2016, eds. Cambrésy, L., Deleuil, M., Pécontal, E., Reylé, C., Richard,., L., Tresse and Vauglin, I., Lyon, France, 14-17 Juin 2016, pp. 297-306 (url) (2016)
- Rieutord, M., Dintrans, B., Lignères, F., Corbard, T. and Pichon, B. "The ESTER project", SF2A-2005, eds. Casoli, F., Contini, T., Hameury, J.M. and Pagani, L., EDP Sciences, Strasbourg (France), 27 juin - 1er juillet 2005, p. 759 (url) (2005)
- Couvidat, S., Turck-Chieze, S., Garcia, R. A. and Corbard, T. "The dynamics of the solar core with SoHO/GOLF", SF2A-2002: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, eds. Combes, F. and Barret, D., p. 441 (url) (2002)
- Corbard, T., Jimenez-Reyes, S. J., Thompson, M. J. and Tomczyk, S. "Variations of the solar interior with the cycle: observational aspects", SF2A-2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, eds. Combes, F., Barret, D. and Thévenin, F., p. 109 (url) (2001)
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Gonczi, G., Morel, P., Provost, J. and Toutain, T. "Le coeur solaire: structure et dynamique", Journées Scientifiques de l'OCA, eds. Gay, J., Metris, G. and Rivet, D., OCA, Grasse (France), 17-18 Janvier 2000, p. 43 (url) (2000)
Communications orales sans actes dans un congrès
- Corbard, T., Provost, J. and Bigot, L. "Few words on g-mode asymptotic", ISSI team Probing the core of the Sun and the stars, International Space Science Institut, Bern, Switzerland, 11-15 March 2019 (url) (2019)
- Appourchaux, T., Harra, L., Andretta, V., Auchère, F., Baudin, F., Boumier, P., Brun, A.S., Corbard, T., Fazakerley, A. N., Fineschi, S., Finsterle, W., Harrison, R. A., Hassler, D., Leibacher, J., Liewer, P., Owen, C. J., Macdonald, M., Maksimovic, M., Martinez-Pillet, V. and Murphy, N. "Exploring the poles of the Sun: POLAR Investigation of the Sun (POLARIS+)", Triennial Earth-Sun Submit, Leesburg, Virginia (2018)
- Corbard, T., Morand, F. and Renaud, C. "An automated Solar Monitor at Calern observatory for Space Weather", Journées du Programme structurant UCA JEDI "Matière, Lumière, Interactions", Villa Clythia, Fréjus, France, 4-5 Oct. 2018 (url) (2018)
- Corbard, T. "METEOSPACE: Automated and continuous optical observation of dynamical phenomena at the source of solar activity", Journées de l'académie 3 UCA IDEX JEDI "Space, Environment, risk and resilience", Sophia Antipolis, 4/7/17 (url) (2017)
- Ulrich, R., Fossat, E., Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Provost, J., Salabert, D., Schmider, F. X., Gabriel, A., Grec, G., Renaud, C., Robillot, J. M., Roca Cortés, T. and Turck-Chièze, S. "Detection of g modes in the asymptotic frequency range: evidence for a rapidly rotating core", American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #48, Portland, Oregon, USA, 21-25 August 2017, vol. 48, p. 109.06 (url) (2017)
- Crussaire, D., Morand, F., Corbard, T., Malherbe, J.M. and METEOSPACE Team "METEOSPACE project at Calern Observatory", Synoptic Ground-Based Observations For Space-Weather, Nice, France, 19-20 oct 2016 (url) (2016)
- Meftah, M., Corbard, T. and Picard team "PICARD ground-based and space observatories: a joint venture to study the Sun", Synoptic Ground-Based Observations For Space-Weather, Nice, France, 19-20 oct. 2016 (url) (2016)
- Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Hochedez, J. F., Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Dewitte, S., Turck-Chieze, S. and Zhu, P. "Five Years of Solar Observation with PICARD", Solar Metrology, Needs and Methods II, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgique, 21-23 Sept. 2015 (url) (2015)
- Ikhlef, R., Corbard, T., Morand F., Renaud, C., Meftah, M., "Seeing measurements for ground based solar astrometry", Solar metrology needs and methods, Paris, October 7-9 2014 (url) (2014)
- Salabert, D., Corbard, T., García, R. A., Boumier, P., Turck-Chièze, S., Jiménez, A.,"Solar magnetic activity inferred from helioseismology: the weak solar cycle 24 ", Solar metrology needs and methods, Paris, October 7-9 2014 (url) (2014)
- Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Corbard, T., and the PICARD team, "Solar astrophysical fundamental parameters", Solar metrology needs and methods, Paris, October 7-9 2014 (url) (2014)
- Corbard, T. "Relations Soleil - Terre, Introduction générale", Colloque du PNST: bilan et prospective, Sète, France (url) (2014)
- Corbard, T. "Table ronde: Météorologie de l'espace, Introduction générale", Colloque du PNST: bilan et prospective, Sète, France, 3-5 février 2014 (url) (2014)
- Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Hochedez, J. F., Corbard, T., Boumier, P. and Ikhlef, R. "La mission Picard est sur la bonne longueur d'onde", Colloque du PNST: bilan et prospective, Sète, France, 3-5 février 2014 (url) (2014)
- Malherbe, J. M. and Corbard, T. "METEOSPACE Telescopes pour la météorologie de l'espace", Environnement Spatial de la Terre Recherche & Surveillance, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, 28 Novembre 2014 (url) (2014)
- Meftah, M., Hochedez, J. F., Dewitte, S., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Turck-Chièze, S. and Zhu, P. "Picard, a solar mission dedicated to the study of the Sun: current results", 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2 - 10 August 2014 (url) (2014) (hal-01111910)
- Corbard, T. "SODISM-2 A ground based multi-wavelength full disk solar imager", Synoptic Network Workshop, Boulder,CO-USA, April 22/24 2013 (url) (2013)
- Ikhlef, R., Corbard, T., Meftah, M., Morand, F., Irbah, A., Renaud, C., Fodil, M., Poiet, G., Lesueur, P., Laclare, F. and Hauchecorne, A. "PICARD sol: results after 28 months of observations", ed. PICARD, Workshop scientifique, CNES, Paris, sept 2013 (2013)
- Salabert, D., Corbard, T. and Boumier, P. "Helioseismology with PICARD", Workshop scientifique PICARD, CNES, PARIS, 25-26 sept. 2013 (2013) ⟨hal-02903750⟩
- Appourchaux, T., Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Journoud, P. and Salabert, D. "Seismology with PICARD Objectives and results", PICARD Scientific Workshop, Paris, April 10, 2012 (url) (2012)
- Corbard, T. "Local helioseismology and sub layers activity", First PICARD workshop, IAP 98 bis boulevard Arago, 75014 PARIS, 8-9 March 2010 (url) (2010)
- Corbard, T. "Subphotospheric dynamics and surface activity", EST-France 2010 Workshop, Meudon Observatory, Meudon, France, 19-21 May 2010 (url) (2010)
- Renaud, C., Corbard, T. and Hadjara, M. "Quick look heliosismology for the CMSP", HELAS workshop "Getting Ready for the PICARD Helioseismology program", "Maison du séminaire" Nice, France (url) (2008)
- Zaatri, A., Corbard, T., "New features in the ring-diagram pipeline", LoHCo Meeting #11, Tucson, 2008 January 29 - 30 (url) (2008)
- Corbard, T. "The ground based PICARD program at Côte d'Azur Observatory", First PICARD Scientific Committee, CNES, Paris, France, June 28 2007 (2007)
- Corbard, T. "Solar Subphotospheric Flows deduced from local Helioseismology and their relation with Solar Activity", AOGS 2007 4th Annual Meeting, Bangkok, 31 Jul- 4 Aug, vol. CD, p. 288 (url) (2007)
- Corbard, T., Boumier, P., Appourchaux, T., Jimenez-Reyes, S. J. and Gelly, B. "PICARD Helioseiemology program", HELAS NA3-2 Workshop Low degree and low frequency modes, La Palma, Spain, 8-21 September 2007 (2007)
- Eff Darwich, A. and Corbard, T. "The rotation of the solar interior", Meeting DynaMICCS, CEA, Saclay, France, 6-7 February 2007 (2007)
- Appourchaux, T., Corbard, T. and Boumier, P. "The interior of the Sun from PICARD seismology and its synergy with SDO", PICARD Science Team Meeting, 24-25 October 2006 (2006)
- Corbard, T. "Ring Diagram Analysis Methods and Tools", First HELAS Local Helioseismology Workshop "Roadmap for European Local Helioseismology", Nice Observatory, Nice, France (url) (2006)
- Corbard, T. "Circulation et hélicité cinétique sous la photosphère solaire et leur relation avec l'activité magnétique de surface", Etude des champs magnétiques solaires et stellaires, Hôtel La Berlugane, Fondation Daguessau, 06310 Beaulieu sur mer, France (url) (2005)
- Corbard, T. "The European HELAS Network", LoHCo 9 (Local Helioseismology Comparison), Tucson, Az, USA, 13-14 Dec. 2005 (2005)
- Corbard, T. "Heliosismologie avec la mission PICARD", Reunion R2S3, Algiers, Algeria, Nov 12-16 2005 (2005)
- Corbard, T. "Heliosismologie avec PICARD", Reunion Scientifique PICARD, Service d'Aeronomie, Verrieres le Buisson, France, 16/02/2005 (2005)
- Corbard, T. "Influence du bruit de stabilisation sur les mesures sismologiques de PICARD", Reunion Scientifique PICARD, Service d'Aeronomie, Verrires le Buisson, 16/02/2005 (2005)
- Corbard, T. "La mission PICARD", Journées scientifiques de l'OCA, 25-26 Janvier 2005 (url) (2005)
- Corbard, T. "Inversion for Ring Diagram Analysis in GONG++ pipeline", Local Helioseismology Comparison Group LoHCo Workshop 7, Tucson, Az, USA, Feb 10-11, 2004 (2004) ⟨hal-02914174⟩
- Corbard, T., Dikpati, M., Gilman, P. A. and Thompson, M. J. "Jets in the solar tachocline as diagnostics of global MHD processes there", 22nd NSO/SP Workshop on Large Scale Structures and their Role in Solar Activity, Sacramento Peak Observatory, New Mexico, USA, 0ctober 18-22, 2004 (2004)
- Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Komm, R., Corbard, T., Hill, F. and Howe, R. "Meridional Circulation From Large Aperture Ring Diagrams", Living With a Star, Boulder, CO (USA), March 22-26 2004 (url) (2004)
- Corbard, T. "Meridonnal flow and surface gradient comparison", LoHCo 2 (Local Helioseismology Comparison), Palo Alto, California, USA, April 30 2003 (2003)
- Corbard, T. "New constraints on the dynamics of the solar sub-photospheric layers from high resolution helioseismology", EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003, pp. EAE03-A-07761 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T. "Profils radiaux du Limbe solaire à 535 nm à partir des images du Pic du Midi", Réunion PICARD, Observatoire de Haute Provence, 23-24 Avril 2003 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T. "Ring Diagram Analysis with GONG++", LoHCo 1 (Local Helioseismology Comparison), Tucson, Az, USA, 17-19 March 2003 (2003)
- Corbard, T. "The solar core rotation: lets look back to the forward problem!", Solar Core Rotation Workshop, Saclay, France, June 2-3 2003 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T., Arnaud, J. and Muller, R. "Observations au Pic du Midi 8-12 Juillet 2003", PICARD: Réunion Simulation, Observatoire de Nice, France, 20 Nov. 2003 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T., Thuillier, G. and Gelly, B. "PICARD: Status and Capacity of detecting G-modes", Solar Core Rotation Workshop, Saclay, France, June 2-3 2003 (2003)
- Corbard, T. and Dikpati, M. "Solar Subsurface Shear and Flux-transport Dynamics", NSO Staff Meeting, Sac Peak, Sunspot, NM, USA, May 1-2 2002 (2002)
- Corbard, T. "The solar core rotation from observations", XI IRIS- LOWL/ECHO Workshop, Boulder, CO (USA), June 2000 (2000)
- Corbard, T. "GOLF and the solar core rotation", GOLF meeting, SAP 1999/188, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers, France, 18-19 Nov 1999 (1999)
- Corbard, T. "Non linear Regularization: first results", JILA Helioseismology Workshop, Boulder, CO (USA), Jan. 1999 (1999)
- Corbard, T. "Inversion of GOLF rotational splittings", Workshop on solar models and GOLF data inversions, Saclay, France, 6-7 Avril 1998 (1998)
- Corbard, T. "Non linear Regularization: Why and How?", JILA Helioseismology Workshop, Boulder, CO (USA), Feb. 1998 (1998)
- Corbard, T., Toutain, T., Berthomieu, G., Provost, J., Morel, P. and Gonczi, G. "Constraints on the rotation in solar-like stars from COROT observations", COROT Kick-Off meeting, Nice, France, Apr. 2018 (1998)
- Corbard, T. "Inferring the internal rotation of the Sun from low degree helioseismology", IX IRIS meeting, Capodimonte (Italy), 29/06- 06/07 1997 (url) (1997)
- Corbard, T. "La rotation interne du Soleil déduite de l'Observation heliosismologique", Les journees scientifique de la SFSA, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 1-3 Avr 1997 (1997)
- Corbard, T. "Solar Rotation: Results and Prospects", VIII IRIS meeting, Nice, France, Avr 1996 (1996)
- Corbard, T., Berthomieu, G., Morel, P. and Provost, J. "Inversion 2D de la rotation solaire", Reunion GDR Structure Interne, Obs. Paris Meudon, 16-17 Fev. 1995 (1995)
Communications par affiche dans un congrès
- Corbard, T., Malherbe, J. M., Crussaire, D., Morand, F., Ruty, F., Biree, L., Renaud, C. and Meftah, M. "METEOSPACE, surveillance solaire et météorologie de l'espace à Calern", PNST: colloque à mis parcours, Hendaye, 14-16 juin 2016 (pdf) (2016) (hal-02938178⟩
- Boumier, P., Corbard, T., Couvidat, S., García, R. A., Salabert, D. and Turck-Chièze, S. "Solar magnetic activity inferred from helioseismic data: a tribute to Jean Heyvaerts", Magnetic fields from the sun to black holes In memory of Jean Heyvaerts, Paris, France, November 17-19, 2014 (url) (2014)
- Corbard, T., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Laclare, F., Renaud, C. and Meftah, M. "Astronomical refraction correction for ground-based full disk solar astrometry", Solar metrology needs and methods, Paris, October 7-9 2014 (url) (2014)
- Corbard, T., Kholikov, S., Salabert, D., Boumier, P., Renaud, C., Turck-Chièze, S., Meftah, M., Irbah, A. and Hauchecorne, A. "Solar internal floaws from Picard/Sodism and SDO/HMI helioseismic signal", Solar metrology needs and methods, Paris, October 7-9 2014 (url) (2014)
- Corbard, T., Meftah, M., Irbah, A., Ikhlef, R., Morand, F., Renaud, C., Hauchecorne, A., Assus, P., Borgnino, J., Chauvineau, B., Crepel, M., Dalaudier, F., Djafer, D., Fodil, M., Lesueur, P., Poïet, G., Rouzé, M., Ziad, A. and Laclare, F. "PICARD SOL, a new ground-based facility for long-term solar radius measurements", Colloque du PNST: bilan et prospective (url) (2014)
- Meftah, M., Hauchecorne, A., Irbah, A., Hochedez, J. F., Corbard, T., Boumier, P. and Ikhlef, R. "La mission Picard est sur la bonne longueur d'onde", Colloque du PNST: bilan et prospective, Sète, France, 3-5 février 2014 (url) (2014)
- Meftah, M., Irbah, A., Hauchecorne, A., Corbard, T. and Hochedez, J. F. "On solar radius measurements with PICARD", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2014 December 15-19, pp. abstract #SH13B-4090 (url) (2014)
- Zaatri, A., Hill, F., Gonzalez-Hernandez, I., Komm, R. and Corbard, T. "Solar rotational radial gradient inversion using ring diagram analysis of 10 years of gong ", Space Climate 5, Oulu, Finland, 15-19 Juin 2013 (url) (2013)
- Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Assus, P., Borgnino, J., Dufour, C., Fodil, M., Morand, F., Renaud, C. and Simon, E. "First results of MISOLFA solar monitor for the ground PICARD program", IV HELAS International Conference: Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure , Arrecife, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), 1-5 February, 2010 (url) (2010)
- Zaatri, A. and Corbard, T. "Radial gradient of horizontal sub- photospheric flows as derived from ring diagram", IV HELAS International Conference: Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, Arrecife, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), 1-5 February, 2010 (url) (2010)
- Corbard, T., Reiter, J. and Thompson, M. J. "Inferring the sub-surface rotational gradients using f-modes and ridge fitting analysis", HELAS II international Conference. Helioseismology, Asteroseismology and MHD Connections, Göttingen,Germany, 20-24 Aug 2007 (url) (2007)
- González-Hernández, I., Komm, R., Corbard, T., Hill, F., Howe, R. and Haber, D. A. "2 Years of Meridional Circulation from GONG Ring Diagrams", 2005 Joint Assembly, New Orleans (USA), 23-27 mai 2005, vol. 86 (18), article Abstract SP32A-01 (url) (2005)
- Corbard, T., Assus, P., Gelly, B., Irbah, A., Messonnier, M., Thuillier, G. and The PICARD Team "Solar Astrometry, Radiometry and Seismology with PICARD", SoHO14 / GONG 2004, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, Yale, New Haven, CT, July 11-18 2004 (url) (2004)
- Dikpati, M., Corbard, T., Gilman, P., de Toma, G., Rhodes, E., Haber, D., Bogart, R. and Rose, P. "The Role of Time- varying Meridional Flow Pattern During Past 20 Years in Influencing Upcoming Solar Cycle Features", Living With a Star, Boulder, CO (USA), March 22-26 2004 (url) (2004)
- Dikpati, M., de Toma, G., Gilman, P. A., Corbard, T., Rhodes, E., Haber, D. A., Bogart, R. and Rose, P. J. "The Role of Time Varying Meridional Flow Pattern During Past 20 years In Influencing Upcoming Solar Cycle Features", 204th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, ed. Milkey, R. W., BAAS, Denver, Colorado (USA), 30 Mai - 3 Juin 2004, vol. 36, abstract 53.05, p. 756 (url) (2004)
- González-Hernández, I., Komm, R., Corbard, T., Hill, F. and Howe, R. "Meridional Circulation Variability from Large-Aperture Ring Diagrams", Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, ed. Milkey, R.W., BAAS, Denver, Colorado (USA), 30 mai - 3 juin 2004, vol. 36, abstract 53.07, BAAS, p. 756 (url) (2004)
- Komm, R., Haber, D., Corbard, T., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Hill, F., Hindman, B. and Howe, R. "Subsurface Flow Divergence Related to Solar Activity", Living With a Star, Boulder, CO (USA), March 22-26, 2004 (url) (2004)
- Komm, R., Howe, R., Gonzalez Hernandez, I, Sudol, J., Hill, F., Toner, C. and Corbard, T. "Kinetic Helicity in Solar Subsurface Layers", RHESSI/ SOHO/ TRACE Workshop: Coordinated observations of flares and CMEs, Sonoma, California, USA, December 8-11, 2004 (url) (2004)
- Bogart, R. S., Schou, J., Basu, S., Bolding, J., Hill, F., Howe, R., Komm, R. W., Leibacher, J., Toner, C. G., Corbard, T., Haber, D. A., Hindman, B. W., Toomre, J., Rhodes, E. J., Rose, P. J. and the LoHCo project team "The LoHCo Project. 1 - Comparison of Ring-Diagram Local Helioseismology on GONG++, MDI and Mt. Wilson Data Sets", 34th Solar Physics Division Meeting, ed. Milkey, R.W., Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Columbia (Ma, USA), 16-20 juin 2003, vol. 35, p. 822 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T. "Outils pour l'héliosismologie haute résolution", Forum de l'Action Spécifique pour la Simulation Numérique en Astrophysique (ASSNA), IDRIS, Orsay, France, 15-17 Dec 2003 (2003)
- Howe, R., Komm, R. W., Hill, F., Bolding, J., Toner, C. and Corbard, T. "Localized Frequency Shifts from GONG+", 34th Solar Physics Division Meeting, ed. Milkey, R.W., BAAS, Columbia (Ma, USA), vol. 35, abstract 08.02, p. 822 (url) (2003)
- Komm, R., Bolding, J., Corbard, T., Hill, F., Howe, R. and Toner, C. "Flow maps from GONG+ ring diagrams", 34th Solar Physics Division Meeting, ed. Milkey, R.W., BAAS, Columbia (Ma, USA), 16-20 juin 2003, vol. 35, p. 823 (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T., Toner, C. and Hill, F. "Enhanced facilities for local helioseismology with GONG+ images", American Astronomy Society 200th Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 2-6, 2002, vol. 34, p. 644 (url) (2002)
- Howe, R., Komm, R. W., Hill, F., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Schou, J., Thompson, M. J. and Corbard, T. "Comparing Global Solar Rotation Results from MDI and GONG", AGU Spring Meeting, vol. abstract SP31A-14 (url) (2001)
- Corbard, T., Jiménez Reyes, S. J., Tomczyk, S. and Golf Team "Solar rotation From GOLF/LOWL", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, SPD Meeting #31, vol. 32, p. 801 (url) (2000)
- Jimenez Reyes, S. J., Corbard, T., Tomczyk, S. and Pallé, P. L. "Solar cycle variations of oscillation mode parameters from LOWL and MARK-I instruments", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, SPD Meeting #31, vol. 32, p. 1289 (url) (2000)
- Corbard, T. "The equatorial tachocline Parameters from GONG observations", GONG 99 workshop, Tucson, Az, USA, March 1999 (1999)
- Corbard, T. "La rotation Interne du Soleil deduite de l'heliosismologie", Journees Scientifiques de l'OCA, Novotel Cap-3000, Nice, France, 19-20 Jan. 1998 (1998)
- Corbard, T. "The solar rotation rate from inversion of the first GONG datasets", GONG'96 meeting, Madison, Wisconsin (USA), June 1996 (1996)
Ouvrages scientifiques (ou chapitres de ces ouvrages)
- Corbard, T. "La rotation interne du soleil déduite de l'héliosismologie", Cours de Structure Interne - VIIIe Ecole d'automne d'Aussois -"Generation et Interpretation des Oscillations Stellaires" , Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, vol. 8, 61 pages (url) (1998)
OV (haut de page)
Ouvrages de vulgarisation (ou chapitres de ces ouvrages)
- Corbard, T., METEOSPACE: Meteorology of Space. P.-J. Barre ; C. Den Auwer; D. Fox ; F. Grognard; T. Guillot; M. Le Gourrierec; I. Manighetti. The Green Book of the Academy Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience, Université Côte d’Azur, pp.78-79, 2020, 978-2-9571154-1-9
Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues
- Faurobert, M., Fang, C. and Corbard, T. "4th French-Chinese Meeting on Solar Physics - Understanding Solar Activity: Advances and Challenges", European Astronomical Society Publications Series, vol. 55 (url) (2012) (doi:10.1051/eas/1255000)
- Corbard, T., Gizon, L. and Roth, M. "Special issue on the First HELAS Local Helioseismology Workshop", Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 328, Issue 3-4 (2007) (doi:10.1002/asna.200790000)
Autres productions (notes techniques, bases de données, logiciels,...)
- Appourchaux, T., Andersen, B., Basu, S., Belkacem, J., Broomhall, A.-M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Corbard, T., Garcia, R.A., Lebreton, Y., Schunker, H., Sekii, T., Thompson, M.J., ''Probing the core of the Sun and the stars '', Response to a call for proposals for International Science Teams from the
International Space Science Institute (ISSI), 21 pages (url) (2018)
- Corbard, T. "WCS in PICARD-SOL images" (url) (2014)
- Corbard, T. "Astronomical Refraction Routines For Solar Astrometry" (url) (2013)
- Corbard, T. "Eléments pour l’étude comparative des avantages/désavantages des sites de Calern et de l’OHP pour le projet PICARD-Sol ", vol. PICS-PF-GP-9.000-OCA, 38 pages (url) (2009)
- Morand, F., Corbard, T., Irbah, A., Marcovici, J. P. and Thuillier, G. "Micro-satellite PICARD, SODISM II ADAPTATION DE L’INSTRUMENT SODISM AU SOL", vol. PIC-OCA-FM-DI-1.1-01, 78 pages (url) (2009)
- Irbah, A., Boumier, P., Mekaoui, S., Bali, G., Corbard, T., Dufour, C. and Wehrli, C "Analyse des logiciels de traitements N1/N1P/N2A du CMS-P", vol. PIC-SP-S7-CM-5228-SA, 148 pages (url) (2008)
- Irbah, A., Boumier, P., Mekoui, S., Corbard, T., Dufour, C. and WehrIi, C. "Produit N1s/N1P/N2A de la mission PICARD", vol. PIC-SP-S7-CM-5310_SA, 76 pages (url) (2008)
- Corbard, T., Boumier, P. and Appourchaux, T. "Micro-satellite PICARD - HELIOSISMOLOGIE AVEC PICARD : OBJECTIFS ET SPECIFICATIONS", vol. PIC-NT-S7-SOD-5099- OCA, 78 pages (url) (2007)
- Corbard, T. "Ring Diagram Analysis with GONG++", 22 pages (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T. "Ring Diagram Analysis Software" (url) (2003)
- Corbard, T. "Héliosismologie et Astrométrie solaire à haute résolution", Thèse d'Habilitation Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (2016) ⟨tel-02466222⟩.
- Corbard, T. "Inversion des mesures héliosismiques: la rotation interne du Soleil", Thèse de Doctorat Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (1999) ⟨NNT : 1998NICE5237⟩ ⟨tel-02921925⟩.
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