Fundamental courses

Each semester of the first year (semesters S1 and S2) starts with about 6 weeks of fundamental courses. With lectures every morning and mostly free afternoons, substantial time is devoted to personal work and numerical experiments.

Check out the conditions to validate courses, semesters, and years (Méthode de contrôle des connaissances) here.


Semester S1

General Astrophysics - Part I

Syllabus & Documents: Planets

A. Crida & B. Carry

General Astrophysics - Part II

Syllabus & Documents: Stars & Milky Way

P. de Laverny & A. Recio-Blanco

General Astrophysics - Part III

Syllabus & Documents:

E. Lagadec
& M. Boquien

Data Sciences

M. Boquien & V. Coli

Fourier Optics

Syllabus & Documents

E. Aristidi

Numerical Methods

Syllabus & Documents

G. Niccolini

Semester S2

Mathematics & Statistics


D. Mary

General Physics


H. Homann

Dynamics & Planetary Sciences

A. Crida & V. Parmentier

Stellar physics


O. Creevey & G. Niccolini

General relativity


B. Chauvineau & S. Antier

Imaging Through Turbulence


M. Carbillet & A. Ziad

Large Scale Universe


M. Spinelli & C. Benoist