71) Passot T., Cerri S.S., Granier C., Sulem P.L., Tassi E., "Gyrofluid simulations of turbulence and reconnection in space plasmas", Fundamental Plasma Physics, 11, 100055 (2024).
70) Granier C., Tassi E., Laveder D., Passot T., Sulem, P.L., "Influence of ion-to-electron temperature ratio on tearing instability and resulting subion-scale turbulence in a low-beta_e collisionless plasma", Phys. Plasmas, 31, 032115 (2024).
69) Tassi E. "Generalized Hamiltonian drift-fluid and gyrofluid reductions", J. Phys. A:Math. Theor.,56, 335701 (2023).
68) Granier C., Numata R., Borgogno D., Tassi E., Grasso D. "Investigation of the collisionless plasmoid instability based on gyrofluid and gyrokinetic integrated approach", J. Plasma Phys., 89, 905890404 (2023).
67) Granier C., Borgogno D., Comisso L., Grasso D., Tassi E., Numata R.
"Marginally stable current sheets in collisionless magnetic reconnection", Phys.
Rev. E, 106, L043201 (2022).
66) Tassi E. "Formal stability in Hamiltonian fluid models for plasmas", J. Phys.
A: Math. Theor., 55, 413001 (2022). Invited Review article
65) Tassi E. "Poisson brackets and truncations in nonlinear reduced
fluid models for plasmas", Physica D, 437, 133338 (2022).
64) Granier C., Borgogno D., Grasso D., Tassi E. "Gyrofluid analysis of electron
beta_e effects on collisionless reconnection", J. Plasma Phys., 88, 905880111 (2022).
63) Grimberg G., Tassi E. "Comment on Clebsch's 1857 and 1859 papers on
using Hamiltonian methods in hydrodynamics", Eur. Phys. J. H, 46, 17 (2021)
Article selected as Highlight in Eur. Phys. J. H.
62) Granier C., Tassi E., Borgogno D., Grasso D. "Impact of electron temperature
anisotropy on the collisionless tearing mode instability in the presence of
a strong guide field", Phys. Plasmas, 28, 022112 (2021).
61) Tassi E., Passot T., Sulem P. L. "A Hamiltonian gyrofluid model based on
a quasi-static closure", J. Plasma Phys., 86, 835860402 (2020).
60) Granier C., Tassi E. "Linear stability of magnetic vortex chains in a plasma
in the presence of equilibrium electron temperature anisotropy", J. Phys. A:
Math. Theor., 53, 385702 (2020).
59) Grasso D., Borgogno D., Tassi E., Perona A. "Asymmetry effects driving
secondary instabilities in two-dimensional collisionless magnetic reconnection",
Phys. Plasmas, 27, 012302 (2020).
58) Pizzocchero L., Tassi E. "On approximate solutions of the equations of incompressible
magnetohydrodynamics", Nonlinear Analysis, 195, 111726 (2020).
57) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian gyrofluid reductions of gyrokinetic equations", J.
Phys. A: Math. Theor., 52, 465501 (2019).
56) Miloshevich G., Morrison P.J., Tassi E. "Direction of cascades in a magnetofluid model with electron skin depth and ion sound Larmor radius scales",
Phys. Plasmas, 25, 072303 (2018).
55) Passot T., Sulem P.L., Tassi E. "Gyrofluid modeling and phenomenology of
low-beta_e Alfven wave turbulence", Phys. Plasmas, 25, 042107 (2018).
54) Tassi E., Grasso D., Borgogno D., Passot T., Sulem P.L. "A reduced Landaugyrofluid model for magnetic reconnection driven by electron inertia", J. Plasma
Phys., 84, 725840401 (2018).
53) Passot T., Sulem P. L., Tassi E. "Electron-scale reduced
fluid models with gyroviscous ffects", J. Plasma Phys., 83, 715830402 (2017).
52) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian closures in fluid models for plasmas", Eur. Phys. J.
D, 71, 269 (2017).
Invited Review article.
51) Grasso D., Tassi E., Abdelhamid H. M., Morrison P. J. "Structure and computation
of two-dimensional incompressible extended MHD", Phys. Plasmas,
24, 012110 (2017).
50) Tassi E., Sulem P.L., Passot T. "Reduced models accounting for parallel
magnetic perturbations: gyrofluid and finite Larmor radius-Landau
fluid approaches",
J. Plasma Phys., 82, 705820601 (2016).
49) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian reduced fluid model for plasmas with temperature
and heat flux anisotropies", Theor. and Math. Phys., 188, 1377 (2016).
48) Kraus M., Tassi E., Grasso D. "Variational integrators for reduced magnetohydrodynamics",
J. Comp. Phys., 321, 435 (2016).
47) Perin M., Chandre C., Tassi E. "Hamiltonian
fluid reductions of drift-kinetic
equations and the link with water-bags", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 49, 305501
46) Perin M., Chandre C., Morrison P.J., Tassi E. "Hamiltonian
fluid closures
of the Vlasov-Ampère equations: from water-bags to N moment models", Phys.
Plasmas, 22, 092309 (2015).
45) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian fluid reductions of electromagnetic drift-kinetic equations
for an arbitrary number of moments", Annals of Physics, 362, 239 (2015).
44) Grasso D., Tassi E. "Hamiltonian magnetic reconnection with parallel electron
heat flux dynamics", J. Plasma Phys., 81, 495810501 (2015).
43) Perin M., Chandre C., Morrison P.J., Tassi E. "Hamiltonian closures for fluid models with four moments by dimensional analysis", J. Phys. A: Math.
Theor., 48, 275501 (2015). - Corrigendum: Perin M., Chandre C., Morrison
P.J., Tassi E., J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 49, 269501 (2016).
42) Tronci C., Tassi E., Morrison P.J. "Energy-Casimir stability of hybrid
Vlasov-MHD models", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 48, 185501 (2015)
Article selected as "Publisher's pick" in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor..
41) Lingam M., Morrison P.J., Tassi E. "Inertial magnetohydrodynamics", Phys.
Lett. A, 379, 570 (2015).
40) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian derivation of a gyrofluid model for collisionless reconnection",
J. Phys. Conf. Series, 561, 12018 (2014).
39) Perin M., Chandre C., Morrison P.J., Tassi E. "Higher order Hamiltonian fluid reduction of Vlasov equation", Annals of Physics, 348, 50 (2014). - Corrigendum: Perin M., Chandre C., Morrison P.J., Tassi E., Annals of Physics, 370, 139 (2016).
38) Tronci C., Tassi E., Camporeale E., Morrison P.J. "Hybrid Vlasov-MHD
models: Hamiltonian vs. non-Hamiltonian", Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion,
56, 095008 (2014).
37) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian structure of a drift-kinetic model and Hamiltonian
closures for its two-moment fluid reductions", Eur. Phys. J. D, 68, 196 (2014).
36) Tassi E., Grasso D., Comisso L. "Linear stability analysis of collisionless
reconnection in the presence of an equilibrium
flow aligned with the guide field",
Eur. Phys. J. D, 68, 88 (2014).
35) Tassi E. "Hamiltonian closures for two-moment
fluid models derived from
drift-kinetic equations", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 47, 195501 (2014).
Article selected for the 2014 JPA Highlights collection.
34) Tassi E., Romé M., Chandre C. "A Hamiltonian
fluid-kinetic model for a
two-species non-neutral plasma", Phys. Plasmas, 21, 044504 (2014).
33) Chandre C., Morrison P.J., Tassi E. "Hamiltonian formulation of the modified Hasegawa-Mima equation", Phys. Lett. A, 378, 956 (2014).
32) Morrison P.J., Tassi, E., Tronci, C. "Energy stability analysis for a hybrid fluid-kinetic plasma model", in Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations in Nonlinear Physical Systems, edited by Oleg Kirillov and Dmitry Pelinovsky,
ISBN: 978-1-84821-420-0, Wiley-ISTE, 311 (2013).
31) Morrison P.J., Tassi E., Tronko N. "Stability of compressible reduced magnetohydrodynamic
equilibria - Analogy with magnetorotational instability", Phys.
Plasmas, 20, 042109 (2013).
30) Chandre C., de Guillebon L., Back A., Tassi E., Morrison P.J. "On the
use of projectors for Hamiltonian systems and their relationship with Dirac
brackets", J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor., 46, 125203 (2013).
29) Tassi E., Ratiu, T.S., Lazzaro, E. "Hamiltonian structure and stability
analysis of a reduced four-field model for plasmas in the presence of a strong
guide field", J. Phys. Conf. Series, 401, 012023 (2012).
28) Grasso, D., Waelbroeck, F.L., Tassi, E. "Ion diamagnetic effects in gyrofluid
collisionless magnetic reconnection", J. Phys. Conf. Series, 401, 012008 (2012).
27) Comisso, L., Grasso, D., Tassi, E., Waelbroeck, F.L. "Numerical investigation
of a compressible gyrofluid model for collisionless magnetic reconnection",
Phys. Plasmas, 19, 042103 (2012).
26) Chandre, C., Morrison, P.J., Tassi, E. "On the Hamiltonian formulation
of incompressible ideal fluids and magnetohydrodynamics via Dirac's theory of
constraints", Phys. Lett. A, 376, 737 (2012).
25) Materassi, M., Tassi, E. "Metriplectic framework for dissipative magnetohydrodynamics",
Physica D, 241, 729 (2012).
24) Materassi, M., Consolini, G., Tassi, E. "Sub-fluid models in dissipative
magneto-hydrodynamics", in Topics in Magnetohydrodynamics, edited by Linjin
Zheng, published by InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-0211-3 (2012).
23) Grasso, D., Borgogno, D., Tassi, E. "Numerical investigation of a three-dimensional
four-field model for collisionless magnetic reconnection", Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., 17, 2085 (2012).
22) Waelbroeck, F.L., Tassi, E. "A compressible Hamiltonian electromagnetic
gyrofluid model", Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., 17, 2171 (2012).
21) Izacard, O., Chandre, C., Tassi, E., Ciraolo, G. "Gyromap for a two-dimensional
Hamiltonian fluid model derived from Braginskii's closure for magnetized
plasmas", Phys. Plasmas, 18, 062105 (2011).
20) Tassi, E., Morrison, P.J. "Mode signature and stability for a Hamiltonian
model of electron temperature gradient turbulence", Phys. Plasmas, 18, 032115
19) Tassi, E., Waelbroeck, F.L., Grasso, D. "Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless
reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.,
260, 012020 (2010).
18) Grasso, D., Tassi, E., Waelbroeck, F.L. "Nonlinear gyrofluid simulations of
collisionless reconnection", Phys. Plasmas, 17, 082312 (2010).
17) Chandre, C., Tassi, E., Morrison, P.J. "Derivation of reduced two-dimensional fluid models via Dirac's theory of constrained Hamiltonian systems", Phys.
Plasmas, 17, 042307 (2010).
16) Tassi, E., Morrison, P.J., Grasso, D., Pegoraro, F. "Hamiltonian four-field
model for magnetic reconnection: nonlinear dynamics and extension to three
dimensions with externally applied fields", Nuclear Fusion, 50, 034007 (2010).
15) Tassi, E., Grasso, D., Pegoraro, F. "Nonlinear processes in Hamiltonian
reconnection", Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat. 15, 2-9 (2010).
14) Tassi, E., Chandre C. , Morrison, P.J. "Hamiltonian derivation of the
Hasegawa-Mima equation" Phys. Plasmas 16, 082301 (2009).
13) Grasso, D., Borgogno, D., Pegoraro, F., Tassi, E. "Coupling between reconnection
and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in collisionless regimes", Nonlin. Processes Geophys. , 16, 241 (2009).
12) Tassi, E., Pegoraro, F., Cicogna, G. "Symmetries and solutions of equations
describing force-free magnetic fields", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research
Series, 8, 842 (2009).
11) Tassi, E., Grasso, D., Pegoraro, F., Morrison, P.J. "Stability and nonlinear
dynamics aspects of a model for collisionless magnetic reconnection", Journal
of Plasma and Fusion Research Series, 8, 159 (2009).
10) Tassi, E., Pegoraro, F., Cicogna, G. "Solutions and symmetries of force-free
magnetic fields", Phys Plasmas, 15, 092113 (2008).
9) Tassi, E., Morrison,P.J., Waelbroeck,F.L., Grasso, D. "Hamiltonian formulation
and analysis of a collisionless fluid reconnection model", Plasma Phys.
Contr. Fusion, 50, 085014 (2008)
Selected as "article of particular interest" in IOP Select.
8) Tassi, E., Militello, F., Porcelli F., Hastie, R.J. "Saturation of tearing modes
in Reversed Field Pinches with locally linear force-free magnetic elds and its
application to Quasi-Single-Helicity states", Phys. Plasmas, 15, 052104 (2008).
7) Tassi, E., Hastie, R.J., Porcelli F. "Linear stability analysis of force-free
equilibria close to Taylor relaxed states", Phys. Plasmas, 14, 092109 (2007).
6) Tassi, E. Titov, V.S., Hornig, G. "Dynamic accessibility of inflow and outflow
reconnective solutions", Phys. Plasmas, 12, 112902 (2005).
5) Tassi, E. Garcia, O.E., Paulsen, J.V., Rypdal, K., Riccardi, C. "Three-field
model for drift waves in a simple magnetized torus", Phys. Scripta, T113, 121-
129 (2004).
4) Titov, V.S., Tassi, E., Hornig, G., "Exact solutions for steady reconnective
annihilation revisited", Phys. Plasmas, 11 (10), 4662-4671 (2004).
3) Tassi, E., Titov, V.S., Hornig, G., "New classes of exact solutions for magnetic
reconnective annihilation", Phys. Lett. A 315, 382-388 (2003).
2) Tassi, E., Titov, V.S., Hornig, G., "Exact solutions for reconnective annihilation
in magnetic configurations with three sources", Phys. Plasmas 10 (2),
448-453 (2002).
1) Tassi, E., Titov, V.S., Hornig, G., "Exact solutions for magnetic annihilation
in curvilinear geometry" Phys. Lett. A 302 (5-6), 313-317 (2002).
11) Granier, C., Borgogno, D., Comisso, L.,Grasso, D., Numata, R., Tassi, E. "Fluid and gyrokinetic simulations of plasmoid formation in collisionless plasmas", Proc. 48th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, on-line conference, 27 June - 1 July 2022, O1.402.
10) Grasso, D., Borgogno, D., Pegoraro, F., Tassi, E. "Magnetic reconnection
in inertial regimes", Proceedings of the 2nd IAGA Symposium on "Solar Wind-
Space Environment Interaction", Cairo, Egypt, 4-8 December 2009, Dam e L.,
Hady, A.A. Eds., Cairo University Press, 137-146 (2010).
9) Grasso, D., Borgogno, D., Tassi, E., Pegoraro, F. "Nonlinear collisionless
magnetic reconnection" Proc. ICTP International Workshop on Frontiers of
Modern Plasma Physics, Trieste, 14-25 July 2008, Shukla, P.K., Eliasson, B.
Stenflo, L. Eds., AIP Conference Proceedings, 208-216 (2008).
8) Tassi, E., Grasso D., Pegoraro F. "Nonlinear dynamics of magnetic reconnection
in collisionless plasmas" Proc. 35th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, 9-13 June 2008, P-2.179
7) Tassi, E., Grasso D., Pegoraro F. "Nonlinear dynamics of a Hamiltonian
four-field model for magnetic reconnection in collisionless plasmas", Proc. of
the Workshop "Chaos, complexity and transport : theory and applications",
Marseille, 4-8 June 2007, Chandre, C., Leoncini, X., Zaslavsky, G. Eds. World
Scienti c; Singapore, 245-254 (2008).
6) Tassi, E., Hastie, R.J., Porcelli F. "Linear stability analysis of force-free equilibria
leading to Quasi-Single Helicity states", Proceedings of the International
Workshop "Collective phenomena in macroscopic systems", Como, 4-6 December
2006, Bertin, G., Pozzoli, R., Romé e M., Sreenivasan, K.R.,Eds., World
Scientific, Singapore, 290-294 (2007).
5) Tassi E., Morrison P.J., Grasso D. "Hamiltonian structure of a collisionless
reconnection model valid for high and low beta plasmas", Proceedings of the
InternationalWorkshop "Collective phenomena in macroscopic systems", Como,
4-6 December 2006, Bertin, G., Pozzoli R., Romé e M.,Sreenivasan K.R.,Eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, 197-206 (2007).
4) Tassi, E. Garcia, O.E., Paulsen, J.V., Rypdal, K., Riccardi, C. "Drift waves
in a simple magnetized torus", Proc. Workshop "Theory of Fusion Plasmas",
Varenna, 30 August-3 September 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings.
3) Tassi, E., Titov, V.S., Hornig, G., "Analytical solutions for reconnective
magnetic annihilation", Proc. International Symposium "Plasmas in the Laboratory
and in the Universe", Como, 16-19 September 2003, AIP Conference
Proceedings Series.
2) Tassi, E., Titov, V.S., Hornig, G., "Exact solutions for magnetic reconnective
annihilation", Astron. Nachr., Suppl. issue 3, Vol. 324, 176 (2003).
1) Tassi, E., Titov, V.S., Hornig, G., "Exact solutions for magnetic reconnective
annihilation in curvilinear geometry", Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, 7-11 July 2003, P-1.31.