A primary goal of C4PO is to promote the formation of young researchers to planetary science, at the doctoral and post-doctoral level, with emphasis on the trans-disciplinarity that characterizes our Center.
Our formation plan reposes on the following initiatives:
Offer of Ph.D. thesis
Available Ph.D. subjects and grants starting in the fall 2016 will be posted soon
Offer of Post-Doc positions
Uncovering the nature of celestial bodies with methods of material sciences.
"Interactions between the outer solar system and the interstellar medium", Fevrier 12-17 2017, Les Houches
"Imagerie à Haute Résolution Angulaire des surfaces stellaires et de leur environnement proche", 24-29 Sept. 2017 Roscoff
Workshops and Meetings
"Primitive material in the Solar System II", June 6-8, 2016, Villefranche sur Mer
"JSPS Core-to-Core Program "Planet2" Symposium, February 20-23, 2017, Villefranche sur Mer
"Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets" May 29 - June 3, 2017, Nice
"Inverse Problems and Approximation Techniques in Planetary Sciences" Mai 16-18, 2018, Sophia Antipolis
Planetary science seminars at Observatoire de Nice
AstroGeo seminars in Sophia Antipolis
On line lectures (Mooc)
Eagle-Eye Astronomy. A course on optical interferometry by F. Martinache
Planet formation and evolution: origin of the diversity of planetary systems. A lecture of A. Morbidelli at the Swedish Academy of Science.
Le chaos et l'origine de la diversité des systèmes planétaires. Conférence de A. Morbidelli à l'Académie des Sciences
Pedagogical Tools
Solar System history, Solar System formation and Late Heavy Bombardment clips by A. Morbidelli in ESA's "explore the Moon" interactive guide.
Interferometric arrays and spatial frequences by F. Martinache.
Simulation of a planetary transit by F. Martinache
The MOJO project outreach videos:
- Part 0: Introduction
- Part 1: Stages of planet formation: current paradigms
- Part 2: How common are Solar Systems?
- Part 3: Why is Jupiter so much bigger than Earth?
- Part 4: Why is Mars smaller than Earth?
- Part 5: Why is Earth so dry?
- Part 6: Where did Earth’s water come from?
- Part 7: How do super-Earths form?
- Part 8: Why super-Earths cannot have formed “in-situ” ?
- Part 9: Why aren’t there any close-in Super-Earths in the Solar System?
- Part 10: Unsolved mysteries in planet formation
- Bonus: Inverse Problems and Approximation Techniques in Planetary Sciences
Student training
We are happy to host Ph.D. students for training periods of a few months up to one year. If you are interested in a research training in our center, please consult the research page, choose the subject(s) you are interested in and email the contact person. Funding available!