Organizers : Antoine Petit, Marta Spinelli

Propose a seminar: please, fill the online form here.

Instructions for local hosts: Limited financial support for speakers is available through the Seminar budget. This is meant to cover for travel expenses and/or 1-night stay. Please, remember to get in touch with the administrative staff for any travel/stay arrangements, and to open the "ordre de mission" for the spearker's visit at least 3 weeks in advance. If the seminar is going to take place in person at the Mt.Gros site, remember also to book the restaurant for the speaker.

Instructions for speakers: Lagrange Seminars last for 1h total (45min talk + 15min Q&A), and are held in English . Since our Institute has several teams working on a large variety of fields, we recommend to start your talk with a very broad and 'pedagogical' introduction of your research field.


Les présentations des séminaires passés sont téléchargeables ci-dessous:
Slides from previous seminars can be downloaded here, see below:

2024-06-18 Robin Kaiser INPHYNI (UniCA) Intensity Correlations for stars
2024-06-11 Paolo Molaro INAF-OATs The astronomical origin of lithium
2024-06-04 Enrico Peretti APC Particle acceleration and multi-messenger radiation from astrophysical outflows
2024-05-28 Stefan Pelletier Observatoire de Genève Unveiling the Atmospheric Composition of Ultra-hot Giant Exoplanets
2024-05-07 Maria Berti University of Geneva Probing the ΛCDM Universe and beyond with HI intensity mapping
2024-04-16 Benedict Bahr-Kalus IP2I, Lyon A measurement of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect with the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey
2024-04-11 Florent Mertens Observatoire de Paris Unveiling the Physics of the Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionisation in the SKA era
2024-04-09 Etienne Bonnassieux Universitat Wuerzburg VLBI Perspectives for SKA pathfinders: from nearby galaxies to blazars and cosmological parameters
2024-04-02 Steven Rendon-Restreppo Leibniz-Institut Self-gravity processes in protoplanetary disks
2024-03-26 Louis Legrande ICTP Brazil Cosmology with gravitational lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background
2024-03-19 Mohamad Ali-Dib NYU Abu Dhabi Automatic identification of craters and boulders
2024-02-20 Kristen Menou University of Toronto A Path towards an AI Physicist
2024-02-06 Jian Mingjie University of Stockholm Toward the helium abundance: the behavior of He I 10830Å line in the open cluster Stock 2 and field stars
2024-01-30 Tadafumi Matsuno ARI, Heidelberg Building blocks of the Milky Way revealed from the chemodynamics of halo stars
2024-01-23 Luca di Mascolo Lagrange, OCA Witnessing the birth of clusters of galaxies
2024-01-16 Barbara Sartoris LMU Galaxy Clusters as Probes for Cosmology
2024-01-09 Vincent Bourrier Observatoire de Genève From the desert into the savannah: a trek across the exo-Neptunes landscape