On-site participants: Philippe Berio, Andrea Chiavassa, Orlagh Creevey, Armando Domiciano, Nayeem Ebrahimkutty, Romina Ibanez-Bustos, Juraj Jonak, Stéphane Lagarde, Roxanne Ligi, Denis Mourard, Nicolas Nardetto, Karine Perraut, Alejandra Recio-Blanco, David Salabert, Alain Spang, Mathieu Vrard, Markus Wittkowski
On-line participants:Simon Albrecht, Narsi Anugu, Jean-Philippe Berger, Laurent Bourges,Sébastien Deheuvels, Alexandre Gallenne, Doug Gies, Vincent Hocde, Jeremy Jones, Pierre Kervella, Stefan Kraus, Anthony Meilland, Guillaume Mella, John Monnier, Thierry Morel, Alzbeta Oplistilova, Cyril Pannetier, Michel Rieutord, Rachael Roettenbacher, Caroline Soubiran
- Tuesday 30 May 2023
Opening of the Meeting (Denis Mourard)
General information on the ISSP program (Denis Mourard)
SPICA situation (Denis Mourard)
SPICA-FT presentation (Cyril Pannetier)
SPICA data base and associated tools before observations (David Salabert)
SPICA pipeline and
outputs (Philippe Bério Pierre Geneslay)
Data flow and associated tools after observation (David Salabert)
- Wednesday 31 May 2023
S01: The study of exoplanet host stars (Roxanne Ligi)
S03: Combining asterosismology and interferometry (Mathieu Vrard, Orlagh Creevey, Sébastien Deheuvels)
S04: Calibration of new surface brightness colour relations (Romina Ibanez-Bustos)
S05: Limb darkening across the HR diagram (Nayeem Ebrahimkutty)
S06: Stellar masses and binary stars (Juraj Jonak)
S07: Stellar rotation accross the HR diagram with SPICA (Armando Domiciano de Souza)
S08: Winds & Environments (Markus Wittkowski)
CHARA/VLTI - SPICA & BIFROST instruments for binaries in the Gaia era (Stefan Kraus)
Multi wavelengths operations - SPICA & MIRCx-MYSTIC for Be stars (Narsi Anugu)
Metal poor stars: an example of the addition of a future program in the database/data flow (Caroline Soubiran)
Discussion on the organization of the ISSP survey: what is missing in terms of operation? (Karine Perraut)
Discussion on the management of future open programs (Denis Mourard)
Discussion on the CHARA & SPICA interface/control - CHARA & SPICA views (Denis Mourard Gail Schaefer)
- Thursday 1 June 2023
Synergy within the programs of the survey (Nicolas Nardetto)
Needs and opportunities for complementary data (Roxanne Ligi Romina Ibanez-Bustos)
Link with Araucaria (Nicolas Nardetto)
Link With PLATO (Thierry Morel)
Organisation of the operations and conclusions (Denis Mourard)